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NEVIUS Fig 320/10S Upper Canines Dental Extracting Forceps
NEVIUS Fig 325/10H Upper Canines Dental Extracting Forcep
NEVIUS Fig 88L Upper Molars Left Dental Extraction Forceps
NEVIUS Fig 88R Upper Molars Right Dental Extracting Forcep
PARMLY 32A Upper Premolars And Molars Dental Extraction Forcep
PARMLY Fig 32 Upper Premolars And Molars Dental Extracting Forceps
PHYSICK Fig 5 Lower Third Molars American Pattern Dental Extracting Forceps
RESECTION Forceps 216/Witzel Upper Roots Dental Extracting Forcep
ROUTURIER Fig 212, 22 1/2L Lower Molars And Wisdom Left Dental Extraction Forceps
ROUTURIER Fig 213, 22 1/2R Lower Molars And Wisdom Right Dental Extracting Forcep
ROUTURIER Fig 214, 22 1/2L Lower Molars And Wisdom Left Dental Extraction Forcep
ROUTURIER Fig 215, 33 1/2R Lower Molars And Wisdom Right Dental Extracting Forceps
STANDARD Fig 330/4 Upper Third Molars Dental Extracting Forceps
THOMAS Fig 85A Lower Canines Premolars And Molars Dental Extraction Forceps
TOMES Fig 69 Upper And Lower Roots Dental Extraction Forcep
TOMES Fig 85 Lower Canines Premolars And Molars Dental Extracting Forceps
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