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HENAHAN Fig 315/1A Upper Incisors Dental Extraction Forcep
HERTZ Fig 211 Lower Incisors Dental Extraction Forcep
HULL Fig 101 Deciduous Teeth Dental Extracting Forceps
KELLS Fig 99A Upper Incisors Canines And Premolars Dental Extraction Forceps
KELLS Fig 99C Upper Incisors Canines And Premolars Dental Extraction Forcep
KLEIN Fig 217 Upper Incisors For Children Dental Extraction Forceps
KLEIN Fig 218 Upper Premolars For Children Dental Extracting Forceps
KLEIN Fig 219 Upper Roots For Children Dental Extraction Forcep
KLEIN Fig 220 Upper Molars For Children Dental Extracting Forcep
KLEIN Fig 221 Lower Incisors For Children Dental Extraction Forcep
KLEIN Fig 222 Lower Molars For Children Dental Extraction Forceps
KLEIN Fig 223 Lower Root For Children Dental Extracting Forceps
MEAD (MD 1) Upper Anteriors, Roots, Incisors And Canines Dental Extraction Forceps
MEAD (MD 2) Upper Molars Dental Extracting Forceps
MEAD (MD 3) Lower Roots Dental Extraction Forceps
MEAD (MD 4) Lower Molars Dental Extracting Forceps
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